Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This Just In! [Shwood]

The newest brand to hit TIMEBOMBSHOP is an eyewear company called Shwood. Shwood is handcrafted wooden eyewear made in Portland, Oregon. A simple experiment with nature. Born from the limb of a Mandrone tree, a rusty pair of cabinet hinges, and lenses from the corner store, Shwood has been a curious endeavor from the beginning. An endeavor to create a product that encompasses the individuality and uniqueness that can only be found in natural surroundings. A desire to experiment with design, materials, and aesthetics in the search for something that works. Free from passing trends, the brand’s focus remains that of its roots, innovation and creation. Long live creativity. Make sure to stop in store and check out these one of a kind glasses available now at TimeBomb!

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