Friday, August 2, 2013

Kickstarter: The Cosmic Carousel Returns to Burning Man. With Lazers!

Donate HERE!

The Cosmic Carousel is a levitating aluminum sculptural form. Human interaction is encouraged.

Re-orbiting the earth with ever more gleam, glitz and galactic glamor, the Cosmic Carousel is BACK.

Following its maiden voyage to Burning Man last year, and after a long year in storage, Team Carousel has begun diffusing each particle of playa dust from its mirrored chassis, preparing the Cosmic Carousel to touch down again at Burning Man 2013. Fully upgraded. With lasers.

Balancing magically atop a hemispherical platform, the 23’ long mirrored polished aluminum vessel allows passersby to climb aboard. With the ability to travel light years in circles while remaining in the same spot, its form has nothing to do with function and everything to do with funkin’. Hovering just high enough above the earth to require participation from other travelers in order to mount the structure, the Cosmic Carousel is propelled by donated manpower of grounded participants, providing its passengers with an all-inclusive adventure. The interactive kinetic experience is one to share with fellow explorers and friends, both old and new.

The Next Generation

During the day, the Cosmic Carousel will appear much the same as last year. However this year, the Cosmic Carousel will shine far brighter in the dark. With an amazing laser light beam spectacle and internal lighting upgrades, the Carousel will guide night-dwelling passengers toward the vessel and enhance its night time journeys. Completing a repeat landing of the Carousel will be no easy feat, and its crew needs your generosity to make it happen. Raised funds will go towards the laser light show, internal lighting upgrades, restoration and repairs, as well as the all important transportation to and from the playa. Whether or not you are able to share in the adventures of the Carousel yourself, we appreciate your support in bringing this upgraded experiential art piece back to the playa. Your donations will also be rewarded with cosmic gifts of thanks—check out the donation levels for details!

A Brief History of the Cosmic Carousel

The Cosmic Carousel wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication of its maiden voyage crew, who spent countless hours both on and off the playa to bring the sculpture to life. In addition, the thousands of Burners who realized the Cosmic Carousel’s dream to bring good vibes and human interaction to another dimension provided inspiration to bring the Carousel back with even more features than before. Finally, the funds raised in 2012 through Kickstarter and other grants and private donations enabled the Carousel to take its first flight. We are forever grateful to these donors and to those of you who contribute again. Big art is never the result of just one person, but rather a communal endeavor between those who build it, finance it, experience it, or contribute towards its existence for many to enjoy.

Be sure to check out our Facebook page for pictures and videos from last year’s voyage, and thanks for helping bring the Cosmic Carousel back this year!

Donate HERE! 

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